Did you know 87.5% of graduates entering the workforce in 2011 are planning to apply straight to the company they wish to work for - will that be your organization?

I Love Rewards partnered with Experience Inc., to survey over 8,000 graduates entering the workforce. This complimentary white paper shares the survey results so you can learn how to recruit, retain and inspire the future workforce.

You will learn:
  • Results from a nationwide survey distributed to over 8,000 graduating post-secondary students
  • Trends and statistical data from the study and what this means for your organization
  • Where top performers from graduating classes will look for jobs
  • 5 ways to recruit, retain and inspire top talent
Our Mission: To Change the Way the World ‘Works’
I Love Rewards is an employee recognition solution that helps companies recognize brilliant performance and empower employees to choose their own rewards. Unlike traditional service award programs, I Love Rewards creates authentic moments of recognition that resonate with workers of any age.

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Complimentary White Paper
Class of 2011: Insight from the emerging workforce
Visit experience.com for the fastest, easiest way to recruit and retain the Emerging Workforce.